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时间: 2024-09-19 11:50:18


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "upheaval," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The political upheaval resulted in widespread protests across the country.

- 政治动荡导致全国范围内的抗议活动。

2. The company underwent a major upheaval when its CEO resigned unexpectedly.

- 公司的首席执行官突然辞职,导致公司发生了重大变动。

3. The earthquake caused an upheaval in the lives of thousands of people.

- 地震使成千上万人的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

4. She experienced a personal upheaval after moving to a new city.

- 她搬到新城市后经历了个人生活的巨变。

5. The cultural upheaval in the 1960s brought about significant changes in society.

- 20世纪60年代的文化动荡给社会带来了重大变革。

6. The sudden resignation of the manager caused upheaval within the company.

- 经理的突然辞职在公司内部引发了混乱。

7. Economic upheaval often follows periods of political instability.

- 经济动荡常常在政治不稳定时期发生。

8. The industrial revolution brought about great upheaval in the traditional way of life.

- 工业革命在传统生活方式上带来了巨大的变革。

9. His promotion caused an upheaval in the team's hierarchy.

- 他的晋升在团队的等级制度中引起了剧变。

10. The discovery of oil led to an upheaval in the country's economy.

- 石油的发现导致了该国经济的动荡。

11. The unexpected loss of funding created an upheaval in our research plans.

- 意外的资金损失使我们的研究计划发生了剧变。

12. The family faced an emotional upheaval after the death of their patriarch.

- 家庭在家长去世后经历了情感上的动荡。

13. The merger between the two companies caused an upheaval in the industry.

- 两家公司的合并在行业内引发了剧变。

14. The revolution brought social upheaval as well as political change.

- 革命带来了社会动荡和政治变革。

15. The announcement of layoffs created upheaval among the employees.

- 裁员的公告在员工中引发了不安。


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