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时间: 2024-09-20 11:05:46


当然!以下是关于 "advisory" 的例句,每个例句都附有中文解释:

1. The weather advisory warned of heavy rainfall and possible flooding in low-lying areas. (天气预警提醒可能会有大雨和低洼地区可能发生的洪水。)

2. The travel advisory advised against all non-essential travel to the region due to political unrest. (旅行预警建议由于政治动荡,所有非必要的前往该地区的旅行均应避免。)

3. The advisory board met to discuss the company's financial performance and strategic direction. (咨询委员会开会讨论公司的财务表现和战略方向。)

4. The health advisory recommended vaccinations before traveling to countries with high disease prevalence. (健康咨询建议在前往疾病高发国家旅行前接种疫苗。)

5. The advisory committee reviewed the proposal and provided feedback to the management team. (咨询委员会审查了提案并向管理团队提供了反馈。)

6. The financial advisory firm offers comprehensive services to help clients manage their investments effectively. (财务咨询公司提供全面的服务,帮助客户有效管理他们的投资。)

7. The advisory notice reminded employees to adhere to safety protocols while operating machinery. (咨询通知提醒员工在操作机器时要遵守安全协议。)

8. She serves on the advisory panel for environmental sustainability, advising on policies and practices. (她在环境可持续性咨询小组任职,就政策和实践提供建议。)

9. The advisory group was formed to address concerns raised by the local community about the new development project. (咨询小组成立以解决当地社区对新开发项目提出的关注。)

10. The advisory role of the board is to provide strategic guidance to the executive team. (董事会的咨询角色是为执行团队提供战略指导。)

11. Parents received an advisory from the school regarding the upcoming field trip and safety measures. (学校向家长发布了关于即将进行的郊游和安全措施的通知。)

12. The advisory committee recommended changes to the company's marketing strategy to better reach younger demographics. (咨询委员会建议对公司的营销策略进行调整,以更好地吸引年轻人群。)

13. He sought advisory services from legal experts to navigate the complex regulations of international trade. (他寻求法律专家的咨询服务,以应对复杂的国际贸易法规。)

14. The advisory document outlined steps to improve customer satisfaction based on recent feedback. (咨询文件概述了根据最近的反馈意见改善客户满意度的步骤。)

15. The government advisory urged citizens to conserve water during the drought period. (政府发布的咨询建议呼吁市民在旱季期间节约用水。)


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