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时间: 2024-09-20 12:55:08


“Previse” 是一个不常用的词,它的意思是“预言”或“预测”。下面是15个关于“previse”的例句和中文解释:

1. The economist tried to previse the economic downturn.

- 经济学家试图预见经济衰退。

2. She used her intuition to previse the outcome of the project.

- 她用直觉预测了项目的结果。

3. The scientist sought to previse the impact of climate change on future generations.

- 这位科学家试图预见气候变化对未来几代人的影响。

4. Historically, some leaders have claimed to previse events through dreams or visions.

- 历史上,一些领导者声称通过梦境或异象预见未来的事件。

5. The prophet was said to previse the coming of a new era.

- 这个预言家被说成能预见一个新时代的到来。

6. He tried to previse the challenges that might arise from the new policy.

- 他试图预见新政策可能带来的挑战。

7. To make a successful business plan, one must previse market trends.

- 制定成功的商业计划需要预见市场趋势。

8. The weather forecaster’s job is to previse upcoming weather conditions.

- 气象预报员的工作是预测即将到来的天气状况。

9. She couldn’t previse the difficulties she would face as a new manager.

- 她无法预见作为新经理将面临的困难。

10. Great leaders are often those who can previse potential conflicts.

- 伟大的领导者通常是那些能预见潜在冲突的人。

11. The seer claimed to previse the fall of the great empire.

- 这个预言家声称能预见伟大帝国的衰落。

12. He hoped his strategic plans would previse the success of the mission.

- 他希望他的战略计划能预见任务的成功。

13. Writers and poets sometimes try to previse the future through their works.

- 作家和诗人有时通过他们的作品试图预见未来。

14. The analyst worked hard to previse the next big shift in the industry.

- 分析师努力工作以预见行业中的下一个重大变化。

15. To be an effective strategist, one must be able to previse future scenarios.

- 成为一个有效的战略家必须能够预见未来的情景。


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