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时间: 2024-09-18 11:25:21


1. I enjoy reading books in the fantasy genre.


2. The movie falls into the horror genre.


3. She writes in the romance genre.


4. This band plays music in the rock genre.


5. The mystery genre is my favorite.


6. I prefer the science fiction genre when it comes to movies.


7. He enjoys painting landscapes, a popular genre among artists.


8. The novel fits into the historical fiction genre.


9. The comedy genre always makes me laugh.


10. The crime genre is known for its suspenseful plots.


11. 这幅画属于抽象艺术流派。

(This painting belongs to the abstract art genre.)

12. 他喜欢在摇滚乐类型中演奏音乐。

(He enjoys playing music in the rock genre.)

13. 这本书属于科幻小说类型。

(This book falls into the science fiction genre.)

14. 那部电影是一部恐怖片类型的作品。

(The movie is a horror genre film.)

15. 她的作品属于当代艺术流派。

(Her work belongs to the contemporary art genre.)

16. 我们需要找出这个乐队所属的音乐类型。

(We need to figure out the music genre this band belongs to.)

17. 这个电视节目属于喜剧类型。

(This TV show falls into the comedy genre.)

18. 我最喜欢的小说类型是奇幻小说。

(My favorite genre of novels is fantasy.)

19. 这张专辑属于流行音乐类型。

(This album belongs to the pop music genre.)

20. 那部电影是一部动作片类型的作品。

(The movie is an action genre film.)

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