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时间: 2024-09-21 07:34:30



1. She wore her hair in a long braid down her back. (她把头发编成一条长长的辫子,挂在背后。)

2. The girl deftly braided ribbons into her hair. (那女孩灵巧地把丝带编在头发里。)

3. He learned how to braid ropes together for stronger support. (他学会了如何把绳子编织在一起,以增强支撑力。)

4. The baker braided the dough into an intricate pattern before baking. (面包师把面团编织成复杂的图案,然后再烘焙。)

5. She braided her daughter's hair before school every morning. (她每天早上在女儿上学前给她编辫子。)

6. The horse's mane was braided with colorful ribbons for the parade. (马的鬃毛用彩色丝带编成了辫子,参加了游行。)

7. The climbers braided their ropes carefully before attempting the ascent. (攀岩者们在尝试攀登前仔细地把绳子编织在一起。)

8. The artist used yarn to braid a tapestry of vibrant colors. (艺术家用纱线编织出一幅充满活力色彩的挂毯。)

9. In some cultures, people braid plants together to make sturdy baskets. (在一些文化中,人们把植物编织在一起制作坚固的篮子。)

10. The sailor showed the recruits how to braid the ship's rigging. (水手向新兵展示如何编织船只的绳索。)

11. She liked to braid stories of her adventures into her novels. (她喜欢把自己的冒险经历编织进她的小说里。)

12. The dancer's movements were as fluid as the braids in her hair. (舞者的动作像她头发中的辫子一样流畅。)

13. The craftsman braided leather strips to make a strong belt. (工匠把皮条编织在一起制作出一条坚固的腰带。)

14. The gardener braided vines together to create an archway. (园艺师把藤蔓编织在一起做成了一座拱门。)

15. Children in the village learn to braid palm leaves to make traditional crafts. (村里的孩子们学习编织棕榈叶来制作传统工艺品。)


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