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时间: 2024-09-21 10:10:38



1. The bully at school constantly picked on smaller kids.

- 学校里的那个恶霸总是欺负小个子孩子。

2. She tried to avoid the bully by walking a different route home.

- 她试图通过走另一条回家的路来避免那个恶霸。

3. The teacher intervened when she saw the bully taunting his classmates.

- 当老师看到那个恶霸嘲笑同学时,立即介入了。

4. He stood up to the bully and defended his friend.

- 他勇敢地面对恶霸,为朋友辩护。

5. The school implemented new policies to prevent bullying.

- 学校实施了新政策来防止欺凌行为。

6. The bully’s actions caused a lot of distress among students.

- 恶霸的行为让学生们感到非常痛苦。

7. Parents should teach their children how to handle bullies effectively.

- 家长应该教孩子们如何有效地应对恶霸。

8. Despite being a bully, he was surprisingly popular among his peers.

- 尽管是个恶霸,他在同龄人中却出奇地受欢迎。

9. She felt isolated because the bully always targeted her.

- 她感到孤立,因为恶霸总是盯上她。

10. The bully's behavior was not only unacceptable but also illegal.

- 恶霸的行为不仅不可接受,而且是非法的。

11. A strong anti-bullying campaign was launched in the community.

- 社区启动了强有力的反欺凌运动。

12. The principal addressed the issue of bullying during the school assembly.

- 校长在学校集会上讨论了欺凌问题。

13. He was a bully in high school, but he later regretted his actions.

- 他在高中时是个恶霸,但后来为自己的行为感到后悔。

14. The new student felt intimidated by a group of bullies.

- 新来的学生感到被一群恶霸吓到了。

15. Bullying can have severe psychological effects on victims.

- 欺凌对受害者的心理有严重的影响。

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