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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:13


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "caress," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She gently caressed the baby's cheek as he drifted off to sleep. 她轻轻抚摸着婴儿的脸颊,他渐渐入睡了。

2. The cat purred contentedly as she caressed its fur. 她抚摸着猫咪的毛发,猫咪舒服地咕噜咕噜地叫着。

3. He caressed the old guitar lovingly, reminiscing about his youth. 他深情地抚摸着那把旧吉他,回忆着他的青春岁月。

4. The breeze caressed the leaves, creating a soothing rustling sound. 微风抚摸着树叶,发出宁静的沙沙声。

5. Her fingertips caressed the edge of the book as she read. 她阅读时,指尖轻抚着书的边缘。

6. The painter caressed the canvas with delicate brushstrokes. 画家用精细的笔触轻抚着画布。

7. The sun caressed the mountain peaks, painting them in hues of gold. 太阳抚摸着山峰,将它们染上了金色的光彩。

8. He leaned in to caress her lips with a tender kiss. 他俯身轻吻她的嘴唇,表达出深情的爱意。

9. The silk scarf caressed her neck softly. 丝绸围巾柔软地抚摸着她的脖子。

10. The waves caressed the shore gently under the moonlight. 波浪在月光下轻轻地抚摸着海岸。

11. His words caressed her heart, filling it with warmth. 他的话语抚慰了她的心灵,充满了温暖。

12. The dancer's movements seemed to caress the air around her. 舞者的动作仿佛在抚摸她周围的空气。

13. The old man caressed his wife's hand lovingly. 老人深情地抚摸着妻子的手。

14. The artist's brush caressed the canvas, creating a masterpiece. 画家的画笔轻柔地触摸着画布,创作出一幅杰作。

15. The soft music seemed to caress their souls. 柔和的音乐仿佛在抚摸着他们的心灵。


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