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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:41


Certainly! 这里有关于"caste"的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. He was born into a high caste family in India.

- 他出生在印度一个高种姓的家庭中。

2. Caste discrimination is illegal in many countries.

- 在许多国家,种姓歧视是非法的。

3. The caste system in that society dictates social roles and status.

- 那个社会的种姓制度决定了社会角色和地位。

4. They belonged to the lowest caste and faced discrimination daily.

- 他们属于最低种姓,每天都面临歧视。

5. The priestly caste performed religious rituals in the temple.

- 祭司阶层在寺庙里执行宗教仪式。

6. In some cultures, caste determines whom you can marry.

- 在一些文化中,种姓决定了你可以与谁结婚。

7. Despite her talents, she faced barriers due to her low caste.

- 尽管她很有才华,但由于她的低种姓而面临障碍。

8. The caste system was officially abolished in that country decades ago.

- 几十年前,那个国家正式废除了种姓制度。

9. He faced discrimination because of his caste background.

- 由于他的种姓背景,他遭受了歧视。

10. People were classified into different castes based on their occupations.

- 人们根据他们的职业被分类为不同的种姓。

11. Her family's caste dictated the traditions they followed.

- 她的家庭种姓决定了他们遵循的传统。

12. Members of the warrior caste were trained in combat skills.

- 战士阶层的成员接受战斗技能的训练。

13. The caste system created social divisions that were difficult to overcome.

- 种姓制度造成了难以克服的社会分裂。

14. They challenged the caste-based restrictions imposed on them.

- 他们挑战了对他们施加的基于种姓的限制。

15. Caste prejudices still influence social interactions in some communities.

- 种姓偏见仍然影响一些社区的社会互动。


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