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时间: 2024-09-19 17:07:23



1. The spiral staircase ascended dextrally, turning clockwise as it rose. (螺旋楼梯向右旋转上升。)

2. In this snail species, the shell coils dextrally. (在这种蜗牛中,壳以右旋方式盘旋。)

3. The amino acid structure exhibited a dextral configuration. (这种氨基酸结构展示了右旋构型。)

4. The DNA molecule has a dextral helical twist. (DNA分子具有右旋的螺旋扭曲。)

5. The river flowed dextrally along the valley floor. (河流沿着山谷底部向右流动。)

6. The dextral shift in economic policies resulted in increased growth. (经济政策向右倾斜导致了增长。)

7. The geological fault showed a dextral displacement. (地质断层显示出右旋的位移。)

8. The planetary motion appeared dextral from our vantage point. (从我们的观察点来看,行星运动呈右旋。)

9. The magnetic field lines exhibit a dextral twist in this region. (这个地区的磁场线显示出右旋扭曲。)

10. The storm rotated dextrally as it moved across the ocean. (风暴在海洋上移动时以右旋方式旋转。)

11. In some cultures, the dextral direction is considered auspicious. (在一些文化中,右旋方向被认为是吉祥的。)

12. The crystal lattice structure showed a pronounced dextral symmetry. (晶体格子结构显示出明显的右旋对称性。)

13. The cyclone developed dextrally in the southern hemisphere. (气旋在南半球向右旋转发展。)

14. The dextral orientation of the star map helped sailors navigate at night. (星图的右旋方向帮助水手在夜间导航。)

15. The political spectrum shifted dextrally during the election campaign. (在选举活动期间,政治光谱向右倾斜。)


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