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时间: 2024-09-20 11:21:41


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "infest" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. Cockroaches infest the kitchen at night.

- 蟑螂夜间在厨房大量出没。

2. The abandoned house was infested with rats.

- 那座废弃的房子里满是老鼠。

3. The town was infested with crime before the new police chief took charge.

- 在新警长掌管之前,这个小镇上犯罪猖獗。

4. Mosquitoes infest the swampy areas during the summer months.

- 蚊子在夏季的沼泽地区大量繁殖。

5. The ship was infested with termites, causing extensive damage.

- 那艘船被白蚁侵蚀,造成了严重的损坏。

6. The old library was infested with mold and had to be closed for renovations.

- 那个老图书馆被霉菌侵扰,必须关闭进行翻新。

7. The internet is infested with fake news these days.

- 现在互联网充斥着假新闻。

8. The lake was infested with invasive species of fish.

- 这个湖里寄生了入侵物种的鱼类。

9. Bedbugs infest hotels if proper precautions aren't taken.

- 如果不采取适当的预防措施,臭虫会寄生在酒店里。

10. The forest fire caused by the lightning strike allowed pests to infest the damaged trees.

- 由雷击引发的森林火灾导致害虫侵害受损的树木。

11. The abandoned factory was infested with weeds and wildflowers.

- 废弃的工厂满是杂草和野花。

12. War-torn regions are often infested with disease-carrying insects.

- 饱受战争蹂躏的地区常常寄生有携带疾病的昆虫。

13. The once pristine beach is now infested with plastic debris.

- 曾经原始无污染的海滩现在充满了塑料垃圾。

14. The neglected garden became infested with pests.

- 荒废的花园被害虫侵扰。

15. Without regular cleaning, garbage cans can quickly become infested with maggots.

- 如果不定期清洁,垃圾箱很快会满是蛆虫。


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