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时间: 2024-09-20 08:33:27


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "festive" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The town square was decorated with festive lights and ribbons.

- 城镇广场装饰着节日灯光和丝带。

2. We enjoyed a festive dinner with our extended family.

- 我们与远道而来的家人共享了一顿节日晚餐。

3. The children wore festive costumes for the Halloween party.

- 孩子们在万圣节派对上穿着节日服装。

4. The parade was a festive affair, with music and colorful floats.

- 游行是一个充满音乐和色彩缤纷花车的节日盛事。

5. The city streets were lined with festive banners for the New Year celebration.

- 城市街道挂满了新年庆祝的节日横幅。

6. The restaurant was filled with a festive atmosphere during the Christmas season.

- 餐厅在圣诞季节充满了节日氛围。

7. They decorated the house with festive garlands and wreaths.

- 他们用节日的花环和花环装饰了房子。

8. The festival ended with a festive fireworks display.

- 节日以热闹的烟火表演结束了。

9. The town square was bustling with festive activities.

- 城镇广场上充满了节日活动的热闹场面。

10. She wore a festive hat adorned with ribbons and bells.

- 她戴着一顶装饰有丝带和铃铛的节日帽子。

11. The market was filled with vendors selling festive treats.

- 市场上摆满了卖节日小吃的摊贩。

12. The concert featured festive music from around the world.

- 音乐会上演奏了来自世界各地的节日音乐。

13. The office was decorated in a festive theme for the company party.

- 办公室为公司聚会以节日主题装饰。

14. The hotel lobby was adorned with a festive Christmas tree.

- 酒店大堂装饰了一棵节日的圣诞树。

15. They exchanged gifts in a festive spirit of generosity.

- 他们在慷慨的节日氛围中交换礼物。


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