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时间: 2024-09-20 06:32:04



1. The detective hoped to elicit a confession from the suspect. (侦探希望从嫌疑人口中获得一个自白。)

2. Her speech managed to elicit cheers from the audience. (她的演讲成功地引起了观众的欢呼。)

3. The teacher asked a question to elicit responses from the students. (老师提出了一个问题,希望引起学生们的回应。)

4. The survey was designed to elicit opinions on the new policy. (这项调查旨在征集对新政策的意见。)

5. The comedian's jokes never fail to elicit laughter. (那位喜剧演员的笑话总是能引发笑声。)

6. The experiment was intended to elicit a specific reaction from the chemicals. (这个实验旨在从化学品中引出特定的反应。)

7. The artist's work was meant to elicit strong emotions from viewers. (艺术家的作品旨在引起观众强烈的情感。)

8. The therapy session aimed to elicit memories from the patient. (治疗会话旨在从患者那里唤起记忆。)

9. The report is expected to elicit a response from the government. (预计这份报告会引起政府的回应。)

10. The music was designed to elicit nostalgia among listeners. (这首音乐旨在唤起听众的怀旧情绪。)

11. The journalist's questions were crafted to elicit candid answers. (记者的问题设计得旨在引出坦率的回答。)

12. His proposal failed to elicit support from the majority of the committee. (他的提议未能从大多数委员会成员那里得到支持。)

13. The advertisement was meant to elicit interest in the new product. (这则广告旨在引起人们对新产品的兴趣。)

14. The painting was created to elicit admiration from art enthusiasts. (这幅画的创作目的是从艺术爱好者那里赢得赞赏。)

15. The therapy dog was trained to elicit calmness in patients. (治疗狗接受了训练,旨在使患者感到平静。)


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