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时间: 2024-09-20 14:13:51


Certainly! "Parlance" refers to a particular way of speaking or using words. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. In legal parlance, "probate" refers to the process of validating a will after someone's death. (在法律术语中,“遗嘱认证”指的是某人死后验证遗嘱的过程。)

2. The company's marketing parlance emphasizes sustainability and environmental responsibility. (该公司的营销术语强调可持续性和环境责任。)

3. In scientific parlance, "quantum entanglement" describes a phenomenon where particles become interconnected across vast distances. (在科学术语中,“量子纠缠”描述了一种现象,即粒子在广阔距离上互相联系。)

4. The novel's dialogue captures the parlance of rural Ireland in the 19th century. (小说中的对话捕捉了19世纪爱尔兰乡村的语言风格。)

5. In technological parlance, a "firewall" is a security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic. (在技术术语中,“防火墙”是一种控制进出网络流量的安全系统。)

6. She could not understand the technical parlance used by the engineers during the meeting. (她无法理解工程师们在会议中使用的技术术语。)

7. His writing style incorporates the parlance of the streets, making his characters more authentic. (他的写作风格融入了街头的用语,使得他的角色更加真实。)

8. The politician spoke in the parlance of diplomacy, carefully choosing his words to avoid controversy. (政治家用外交术语发言,谨慎选择措辞以避免争议。)

9. Medical parlance can be difficult for patients to understand without a background in healthcare. (医学术语对于没有医疗背景的患者来说可能很难理解。)

10. The screenplay captures the parlance of the 1960s New York City jazz scene. (剧本捕捉了1960年代纽约爵士乐场景的语言风格。)

11. Academic parlance often includes specialized jargon that can be challenging for newcomers to grasp. (学术术语通常包含专业术语,对新手来说可能很难理解。)

12. The slang parlance of teenagers changes rapidly, making it hard for parents to keep up. (青少年的俚语语言风格变化快速,让父母难以跟上。)

13. The museum curator explained the artifacts in layman's parlance so that visitors could understand their historical significance. (博物馆馆长用通俗易懂的语言解释文物,以便让游客理解它们的历史意义。)

14. Legal parlance can vary greatly from country to country, even if the legal principles are similar. (法律术语在不同国家可能会有很大差异,即使法律原则相似。)

15. The novel is written in the parlance of the time, capturing the slang and expressions of the era. (这部小说用当时的语言风格写成,捕捉了当时的俚语和表达方式。)

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