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时间: 2024-09-20 16:22:23


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "transparency" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The company strives for transparency in its financial reporting to build trust with investors. 公司努力在财务报告中实现透明,以建立与投资者的信任。

2. Government transparency ensures citizens have access to information about public policies and decisions. 政府透明确保公民能够获取有关公共政策和决策的信息。

3. The transparency of the glass allows natural light to flood the room. 玻璃的透明性使得自然光可以充满房间。

4. Academic journals require transparency regarding the sources of funding for published research. 学术期刊要求对已发表研究的资金来源进行透明披露。

5. Social media platforms are increasingly under pressure to improve transparency regarding their content moderation practices. 社交媒体平台正面临越来越大的压力,要求改善其内容管理实践的透明度。

6. The government's lack of transparency led to widespread public distrust. 政府缺乏透明度导致公众普遍不信任。

7. The new regulations aim to enhance transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. 新的法规旨在增强制药行业的透明度。

8. Transparency in healthcare pricing allows patients to make more informed decisions about their treatment options. 医疗价格的透明性使得患者能够更明智地选择治疗方案。

9. The organization's commitment to transparency includes regular updates on its activities and expenditures. 组织对透明度的承诺包括定期更新其活动和支出情况。

10. The transparency of the water in the Caribbean makes it ideal for snorkeling and diving. 加勒比海水的透明度使其成为浮潜和潜水的理想地点。

11. Investors appreciate the company's transparency in disclosing risks associated with its projects. 投资者欣赏公司在披露与其项目相关的风险方面的透明度。

12. The school board meetings are conducted with transparency to ensure community involvement in decision-making. 学校董事会会议以透明的方式进行,以确保社区参与决策。

13. The transparency of the legal process reassures citizens of fairness and justice. 法律程序的透明性使公民对公正和正义感到放心。

14. International organizations advocate for greater transparency in global trade agreements. 国际组织主张在全球贸易协议中加强透明度。

15. Consumer rights groups demand transparency from companies regarding product ingredients and manufacturing processes. 消费者权益组织要求企业在产品成分和制造过程方面提供透明度。


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