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时间: 2024-09-18 11:47:21


1. She suffered a great deal of humiliation when her boss publicly criticized her work. 她在老板公开批评她的工作时受到了很大的羞辱。

2. The team's loss was a source of humiliation for the players. 这个团队的失利让球员们感到羞辱。

3. He couldn't bear the humiliation of being fired in front of his colleagues. 他无法忍受在同事面前被解雇的羞辱。

4. The humiliation of being rejected by her crush was too much for her to bear. 被她喜欢的人拒绝的羞辱对她来说是无法忍受的。

5. The humiliation of having to ask for help was a blow to his pride. 不得不请求帮助的羞辱对他的自尊心是一种打击。

6. She felt a deep sense of humiliation when she was publicly criticized for her appearance. 当她因外表受到公开批评时,她感到了一种深刻的羞辱。

7. The humiliation of being caught cheating on the exam was devastating for him. 被抓作弊考试的羞辱对他来说是毁灭性的。

8. He couldn't bear the humiliation of being ridiculed in front of his classmates. 他无法忍受在同学面前被嘲笑的羞辱。

9. The humiliation of being overlooked for a promotion was a blow to her career. 被忽视晋升的羞辱对她的职业生涯是一种打击。

10. She felt a deep sense of humiliation when her work was criticized by her mentor. 当她的工作受到导师批评时,她感到了一种深刻的羞辱。

11. His humiliation was evident as he walked out of the meeting with his head down. 当他低着头走出会议室时,他的羞辱显而易见。

12. The humiliation of being rejected by her family was too much for her to bear. 被家人拒绝的羞辱对她来说是无法忍受的。

13. He felt a deep sense of humiliation when he was publicly shamed for his mistakes. 当他因错误而受到公开羞辱时,他感到了一种深刻的羞辱。

14. The humiliation of being laughed at by his peers was too much for him to handle. 被同龄人嘲笑的羞辱对他来说是无法承受的。

15. She couldn't bear the humiliation of being talked down to by her superior. 她无法忍受被上司对待的羞辱。

16. The humiliation of being accused of theft was a stain on his reputation. 被指控偷窃的羞辱给他的声誉蒙上了污点。

17. He felt a deep sense of humiliation when he was belittled in front of his colleagues. 当他在同事面前被贬低时,他感到了一种深刻的羞辱。

18. The humiliation of being excluded from the social group was painful for her. 被排斥在社交团体之外的羞辱对她来说是痛苦的。

19. She couldn't bear the humiliation of being gossiped about behind her back. 她无法忍受背后被人议论的羞辱。

20. The humiliation of being betrayed by her best friend was a devastating blow. 被她最好的朋友背叛的羞辱是一个毁灭性的打击。

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