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时间: 2024-09-19 17:29:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "urine" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The doctor asked for a urine sample to test for infections.

- 医生要求提供尿液样本以检测是否感染。

2. The color of urine can indicate hydration levels.

- 尿液的颜色可以显示出身体的水分含量。

3. She noticed blood in her urine and immediately called her doctor.

- 她注意到尿液中有血迹,立即给医生打电话。

4. Drinking plenty of water can help dilute urine.

- 多喝水有助于稀释尿液。

5. The nurse collected a urine specimen for the laboratory.

- 护士收集了一份尿液标本送到实验室。

6. Certain medications can change the odor of urine.

- 某些药物可以改变尿液的气味。

7. He felt relieved after passing a large amount of urine.

- 他排出大量尿液后感到舒畅。

8. The color and clarity of urine are important indicators of health.

- 尿液的颜色和清澈度是健康状况的重要指标。

9. Urine analysis is a common medical diagnostic tool.

- 尿液分析是常见的医学诊断工具。

10. She accidentally spilled urine on the floor of the restroom.

- 她不小心把尿液洒在了厕所的地板上。

11. He had to provide a urine sample as part of his annual check-up.

- 作为年度体检的一部分,他需要提供一份尿液样本。

12. The doctor explained that cloudy urine might indicate a urinary tract infection.

- 医生解释说,混浊的尿液可能表明尿路感染。

13. Drinking alcohol can lead to increased urine production.

- 饮酒可能导致尿液增多。

14. She felt embarrassed about having to collect urine in a small cup at the lab.

- 她对在实验室里用小杯收集尿液感到尴尬。

15. The nurse monitored his urine output closely after surgery.

- 手术后,护士密切监测他的尿液排泄量。


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