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时间: 2024-09-20 13:12:52


Certainly! "Austral" 是一个形容词,意为“南方的”或“南风的”。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The austral winds brought a chill to the southern coast. (南风给南海岸带来了寒意。)

2. Penguins are often found in austral regions like Antarctica. (企鹅常见于南极等南方地区。)

3. They enjoyed the austral sun during their vacation in New Zealand. (他们在新西兰度假期间享受了南方的阳光。)

4. The sailor navigated through austral waters near Cape Horn. (水手在好望角附近的南方水域中航行。)

5. Some constellations are only visible from austral latitudes. (有些星座只能从南纬地区看到。)

6. The explorer documented many austral species during his expedition. (这位探险家在远征中记录了许多南方物种。)

7. Austral flora includes unique species adapted to cold climates. (南方植物包括适应寒冷气候的独特物种。)

8. She found inspiration in the austral landscapes of Patagonia. (她在巴塔哥尼亚的南方景观中找到了灵感。)

9. Austral cultures have developed distinct traditions over centuries. (南方文化在几个世纪里发展出独特的传统。)

10. The film captured the beauty of austral wildlife in stunning detail. (这部电影以令人惊叹的细节捕捉了南方野生动物的美丽。)

11. Astronomers study austral stars to understand celestial phenomena. (天文学家研究南方星体以了解天文现象。)

12. The austral climate can be harsh, with extreme temperature variations. (南方气候可能非常恶劣,气温变化极大。)

13. Australians celebrate Christmas in the warmth of the austral summer. (澳大利亚人在南方夏季的温暖中庆祝圣诞节。)

14. The yacht sailed through austral seas on its way to South America. (游艇在前往南美洲的途中穿越了南方海域。)

15. Austral traditions emphasize community and connection to the land. (南方传统强调社区和对土地的联系。)


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