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时间: 2024-09-20 14:46:44


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "avalanche," along with their Chinese translations:

1. An avalanche of criticism greeted the government's decision to raise taxes.

- 政府决定提高税收遭到了一片批评的浪潮。

2. The avalanche of emails in my inbox is overwhelming.

- 我收件箱里的邮件堆积如山,让人应接不暇。

3. She faced an avalanche of paperwork on her first day at the new job.

- 她在新工作的第一天就面对了一大堆的文书工作。

4. The ski resort closed temporarily due to the risk of avalanches.

- 滑雪度假村因雪崩风险暂时关闭。

5. The avalanche buried several houses in the mountain village.

- 雪崩埋葬了山村里的几座房屋。

6. He triggered an avalanche of memories when he visited his childhood home.

- 当他访问他的童年家园时,触发了一连串的回忆。

7. The team faced an avalanche of challenges during the project.

- 在项目期间,团队面临了一系列的挑战。

8. The company experienced an avalanche of orders after the product launch.

- 产品发布后,公司迎来了一波接一波的订单。

9. The avalanche of support from fans helped the team recover after their loss.

- 粉丝们的大力支持帮助球队在失利后重新振作起来。

10. Heavy snowfall increased the risk of avalanches in the region.

- 大雪增加了该地区发生雪崩的风险。

11. The avalanche warning system alerted hikers to evacuate the area.

- 雪崩预警系统提示远足者撤离该地区。

12. The avalanche of data collected required advanced analytics to make sense of.

- 收集起来的海量数据需要高级分析才能理解其含义。

13. She felt an avalanche of emotions when she heard the news.

- 当她听到这个消息时,内心涌动着复杂的情绪。

14. The avalanche of applause at the end of the performance was overwhelming.

- 表演结束时如潮的掌声让人震撼。

15. The avalanche of tourists during peak season strained local resources.

- 旅游旺季的大量游客使得当地资源紧张。


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