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时间: 2024-09-20 17:26:24


Certainly! "Avarice" refers to extreme greed for wealth or material gain. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His avarice led him to embezzle company funds, resulting in his arrest. (他的贪婪导致他侵吞公司资金,最终被捕。)

2. The ruler's avarice knew no bounds; he taxed his subjects mercilessly. (统治者的贪婪无法无天,他对臣民征税无情。)

3. She inherited a fortune but her avarice drove her to seek even greater wealth. (她继承了一笔财富,但贪婪驱使她寻求更大的财富。)

4. The banker's avarice was evident in his extravagant lifestyle and constant pursuit of profits. (银行家的贪婪显而易见,表现在他奢华的生活方式和对利润的不断追求上。)

5. Avarice blinds people to the needs of others and fosters a selfish mindset. (贪婪使人对他人的需求视而不见,并培养了自私的心态。)

6. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of avarice and its consequences. (这个故事是一则关于贪婪及其后果的警示故事。)

7. Corporate scandals often stem from executives' unchecked avarice for power and wealth. (公司丑闻往往源于高管对权力和财富的无节制的贪婪。)

8. Avarice can destroy relationships and turn friends into rivals. (贪婪可以破坏关系,使朋友变成竞争对手。)

9. His avarice led him to exploit vulnerable populations for personal gain. (他的贪婪导致他利用弱势群体谋取个人利益。)

10. Despite their immense wealth, their avarice drove them to constantly seek more. (尽管他们财富巨大,但贪婪驱使他们不断追求更多。)

11. The leader's avarice eroded the trust of his followers and led to internal strife. (领导者的贪婪侵蚀了追随者的信任,并导致内部冲突。)

12. Avarice often stems from insecurity and a fear of not having enough. (贪婪往往源于不安全感和对不够的恐惧。)

13. The character's downfall in the story was attributed to his avarice and lack of moral compass. (这个故事中人物的堕落归因于他的贪婪和缺乏道德指南针。)

14. Generosity is the antidote to avarice, fostering empathy and compassion. (慷慨是对抗贪婪的良药,培养了同情心和怜悯心。)

15. A society driven by avarice often neglects the welfare of its most vulnerable members. (一个由贪婪驱使的社会往往忽视了最弱势群体的福祉。)


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