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时间: 2024-09-21 07:42:42


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "escalade" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The daring thieves attempted an escalade over the high walls of the fortress.

- 这些大胆的盗贼试图攀登堡垒的高墙。

2. The film depicted a thrilling escalade scene where the hero scaled the skyscraper.

- 电影中描绘了一场惊险的攀登场景,英雄爬上了摩天大楼。

3. During the siege, the enemy soldiers planned an escalade to breach the castle's defenses.

- 在围攻期间,敌军士兵计划进行一次攀登,以突破城堡的防御。

4. The climbers practiced their escalade skills on the rock face before attempting the summit.

- 登山者在尝试登顶之前,在岩壁上练习攀登技巧。

5. The army's successful escalade surprised the defenders, who were caught off guard.

- 军队成功的攀登使防御者大吃一惊,他们措手不及。

6. The burglars used an escalade to gain access to the second-floor balcony.

- 小偷们利用攀登技巧进入了二楼的阳台。

7. The medieval knight was known for his fearless escalades during battles.

- 中世纪的骑士以在战斗中无畏的攀登而闻名。

8. The rescue team's helicopter performed a daring escalade to rescue the stranded climbers.

- 救援队的直升机进行了大胆的攀登,以营救被困的登山者。

9. The novel described a desperate escalade across a dangerous chasm to escape pursuers.

- 小说描述了在危险的峡谷上进行绝望的攀登,以逃避追击者。

10. The adventurers faced a challenging escalade up the sheer cliff to reach the hidden cave.

- 冒险家们面临着攀登垂直悬崖的挑战,以到达隐藏的洞穴。

11. The special forces executed a flawless escalade to infiltrate the enemy compound.

- 特种部队执行了一次完美的攀登,潜入敌军基地。

12. Despite the storm, the mountaineers pressed on with their escalade towards the summit.

- 尽管暴风雨肆虐,登山者们还是继续攀登,向着山顶进发。

13. The documentary highlighted the risks involved in urban escalades undertaken by parkour enthusiasts.

- 纪录片突显了街头飞跃爱好者进行城市攀登时所面临的风险。

14. His successful escalade of the corporate ladder earned him admiration from his colleagues.

- 他在企业中成功攀登职业阶梯,赢得了同事们的钦佩。

15. The historical reenactment featured an authentic medieval escalade against the fortress walls.

- 历史再现表演展示了对堡垒墙壁进行的地道中世纪攀登。


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