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时间: 2024-09-21 07:39:29



1. The conflict between the two countries began to escalate rapidly. (两国之间的冲突开始迅速升级。)

2. They decided to escalate their marketing efforts in response to declining sales. (面对销售下降,他们决定加大市场营销力度。)

3. The dispute over the border has escalated into a full-scale war. (关于边界的争端已经升级为全面战争。)

4. Management warned that any further delays could escalate costs significantly. (管理层警告说,任何进一步的延迟都可能显著增加成本。)

5. The protest started peacefully but quickly escalated into violence. (抗议活动起初平和,但很快升级为暴力冲突。)

6. The conflict began to escalate when negotiations broke down. (谈判破裂后,冲突开始升级。)

7. The government fears that the situation could escalate into a humanitarian crisis. (政府担心情况可能升级为人道主义危机。)

8. Failure to address these issues promptly could escalate tensions within the community. (未能及时解决这些问题可能会加剧社区内部的紧张局势。)

9. The argument escalated into a shouting match. (争论升级为吵架。)

10. If you don't stop now, things will escalate quickly. (如果你现在不停止,事情会迅速恶化。)

11. The disagreement escalated into a bitter feud between the families. (分歧升级为家庭间的激烈争斗。)

12. His reckless actions caused the situation to escalate out of control. (他鲁莽的行动导致情况失控。)

13. We need to de-escalate the tension before it gets worse. (我们需要在情况恶化之前缓解紧张局势。)

14. The conflict gradually escalated over several months. (冲突逐渐在几个月内升级。)

15. Attempts to de-escalate the conflict were unsuccessful. (试图缓解冲突的尝试未能成功。)


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