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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:27


1. She was chosen to be the delegate for her team at the conference. 她被选为她团队在会议上的代表。

2. The delegate from the company presented their proposal at the meeting. 公司的代表在会议上提出了他们的建议。

3. As the delegate, it is your responsibility to represent the views of your constituents. 作为代表,你有责任代表你的选民的观点。

4. The delegate will be attending the summit on behalf of the organization. 代表将代表组织出席峰会。

5. The delegate spoke eloquently on behalf of her constituents. 代表代表她的选民雄辩地发言。

6. The delegate was given the authority to negotiate on behalf of the company. 代表被授权代表公司进行谈判。

7. The delegate was well-prepared and confident in presenting the team's proposal. 代表准备充分,对提出团队的建议充满信心。

8. The delegate was elected to represent the district in the upcoming council meeting. 代表被选举代表该地区参加即将举行的理事会会议。

9. The delegate was responsible for communicating the decisions made at the conference to their constituents. 代表负责向他们的选民传达会议上做出的决定。

10. The delegate was tasked with advocating for the interests of their community at the regional forum. 代表被要求在地区论坛上为他们社区的利益发声。

11. The delegate was selected to attend the international summit on climate change. 代表被选中出席国际气候变化峰会。

12. The delegate from the organization was instrumental in securing a partnership with the foreign company. 组织的代表在与外国公司达成合作伙伴关系方面起着关键作用。

13. The delegate was empowered to make decisions on behalf of the group. 代表被授权代表团体做出决定。

14. The delegate was given the authority to vote on behalf of the members. 代表被授权代表成员投票。

15. The delegate was entrusted with the task of presenting the resolution to the assembly. 代表被委托向大会提出决议。

16. The delegate was responsible for conveying the concerns of the community to the council. 代表负责向理事会传达社区的关切。

17. The delegate was chosen to represent the country at the international conference. 代表被选中代表国家出席国际会议。

18. The delegate was well-received by the audience as she presented her speech. 代表在发表讲话时受到了观众的热烈欢迎。

19. The delegate was tasked with lobbying for changes in the legislation. 代表被委托游说立法的变革。

20. The delegate was successful in negotiating a favorable agreement on behalf of the organization. 代表成功代表组织谈判达成有利协议。

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