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时间: 2024-09-20 10:28:33



1. The diet soda was sweetened with saccharin instead of sugar.

- 这款减肥汽水使用了糖精来代替糖进行甜味调节。

2. Saccharin is a low-calorie alternative to sugar for those watching their weight.

- 糖精是那些控制体重的人们的一种低卡路里糖的替代品。

3. The use of saccharin as a sweetener has been a topic of debate for decades.

- 糖精作为甜味剂的使用已经成为几十年来讨论的话题。

4. Saccharin was discovered in the late 19th century by a chemist.

- 糖精是在19世纪末由一位化学家发现的。

5. Many people use saccharin in their coffee or tea as a sugar substitute.

- 许多人在咖啡或茶中使用糖精作为糖的替代品。

6. Saccharin is much sweeter than sugar, so only a small amount is needed.

- 糖精比糖要甜得多,所以只需要少量就能达到甜味。

7. Some studies have raised concerns about the safety of long-term saccharin consumption.

- 一些研究对长期摄入糖精的安全性提出了担忧。

8. Saccharin is often found in diet foods and sugar-free products.

- 糖精常见于减肥食品和无糖产品中。

9. Despite controversy, saccharin is still approved for use in many countries.

- 尽管有争议,糖精在许多国家仍然被批准使用。

10. The sweet taste of saccharin comes from its chemical structure, not from calories.

- 糖精的甜味来自它的化学结构,而不是卡路里。

11. Saccharin was once banned in some countries due to health concerns but has been re-evaluated.

- 由于健康问题,糖精曾在一些国家被禁用,但后来经过重新评估。

12. Many diabetic people use saccharin as it does not affect blood sugar levels.

- 许多糖尿病患者使用糖精,因为它不会影响血糖水平。

13. Saccharin can be used in cooking, but it may not have the same effect as sugar.

- 糖精可以用于烹饪,但可能不会有与糖相同的效果。

14. Researchers have studied saccharin’s effects on metabolism and health.

- 研究人员研究了糖精对代谢和健康的影响。

15. Saccharin's sweetness is derived from its ability to mimic the taste of sugar.

- 糖精的甜味来源于它模仿糖的味道的能力。


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