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时间: 2024-09-20 13:19:10


Certainly! "Salubrious" means promoting health or well-being, often used to describe something beneficial or favorable to health. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The mountain air was remarkably salubrious, ideal for those seeking a retreat from city pollution. (山上的空气异常清新宜人,非常适合那些想要远离城市污染的人。)

2. They chose to live in a salubrious neighborhood with clean parks and good schools. (他们选择住在一个环境宜人的社区,那里有干净的公园和好的学校。)

3. The spa offered a range of salubrious treatments aimed at rejuvenating both body and mind. (这家温泉度假村提供多种有益健康的疗法,旨在恢复身心健康。)

4. The coastal town's salubrious climate attracted retirees from colder regions. (这个沿海小镇宜人的气候吸引了许多从寒冷地区退休的人。)

5. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is a key part of maintaining a salubrious diet. (吃新鲜水果和蔬菜是保持健康饮食的关键部分。)

6. The architect designed the house with large windows to take advantage of the salubrious views of the surrounding countryside. (建筑师设计了这栋房子,大窗户可以享受周围乡村宜人的景色。)

7. The resort's emphasis on organic food contributed to its reputation for offering guests a salubrious dining experience. (度假胜地强调有机食品,因此以提供客人宜人的餐饮体验而闻名。)

8. Doctors often recommend a move to a more salubrious climate for patients suffering from respiratory problems. (医生经常建议患有呼吸问题的患者搬到气候更宜人的地方居住。)

9. The company cafeteria switched to offering more salads and grilled dishes to promote a salubrious eating environment. (公司食堂开始提供更多的沙拉和烤菜,以促进一个健康的饮食环境。)

10. Residents of the town enjoyed the benefits of a salubrious environment with access to clean water and green spaces. (该镇的居民享受宜人的环境,可以获得清洁的水和绿色空间。)

11. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining a salubrious lifestyle. (定期锻炼和均衡饮食对于保持健康的生活方式至关重要。)

12. The government invested in improving local infrastructure to create a more salubrious living environment for its citizens. (政府投资改善当地基础设施,为市民创造一个更宜人的生活环境。)

13. The hotel's wellness center offered guests a range of salubrious activities including yoga and meditation. (酒店的健康中心为客人提供多种健康活动,包括瑜伽和冥想。)

14. The new residential complex was designed with spacious balconies to allow residents to enjoy the salubrious outdoor air. (新的住宅区设计了宽敞的阳台,让居民可以享受宜人的室外空气。)

15. Researchers found a correlation between living in a salubrious environment and improved mental health outcomes. (研究人员发现,居住在宜人的环境中与改善心理健康结果之间存在相关性。)


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