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时间: 2024-09-20 10:09:51


当然,请看以下关于 "sudatory" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. After a long day's work, he sought relief in a sudatory session at the spa. (他工作了一整天后,去水疗中心做了一次汗蒸。)

2. The ancient Romans frequently visited sudatories to cleanse their bodies and relax. (古罗马人经常去汗蒸房洗浴和放松。)

3. The gym has a sudatory where members can enjoy the benefits of steam and heat. (健身房有一个汗蒸房,会员们可以享受蒸汽和热气带来的好处。)

4. She found the sudatory treatment particularly invigorating after her workout. (她觉得锻炼后做汗蒸特别令人振奋。)

5. The spa offers various sudatory therapies, including herbal steam baths. (这家水疗中心提供多种汗蒸疗法,包括草药蒸汽浴。)

6. In some cultures, sudatories are seen as a way to purify both body and mind. (在一些文化中,汗蒸被视为清洁身体和心灵的一种方式。)

7. The sudatory was a popular feature in ancient Greek and Roman bathhouses. (汗蒸是古希腊和古罗马浴室的一个受欢迎的设施。)

8. He enjoyed the solitude of the sudatory, where he could relax away from the bustle of daily life. (他喜欢汗蒸房里的宁静,可以远离日常生活的喧嚣。)

9. The spa's sudatory sessions are designed to promote detoxification and relaxation. (水疗中心的汗蒸疗程旨在促进排毒和放松。)

10. Sudatories are believed to have health benefits such as improved circulation and skin purification. (据信,汗蒸可以带来健康好处,如改善循环和净化皮肤。)

11. She scheduled a sudatory treatment to unwind after a stressful week at work. (她安排了一次汗蒸疗程,以放松一下工作中紧张的一周。)

12. The sudatory experience left him feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. (汗蒸的体验让他感到焕发活力和精力充沛。)

13. Sudatories have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their therapeutic effects. (几个世纪以来,汗蒸在传统医学中因其治疗效果而被广泛使用。)

14. The spa's sudatory facilities include both dry and wet heat options. (水疗中心的汗蒸设施包括干热和湿热选择。)

15. He indulged in a luxurious sudatory treatment during his vacation to unwind completely. (他在度假期间尽情享受了一次豪华的汗蒸疗程,完全放松了下来。)

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