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时间: 2024-09-20 08:09:23



1. The succus dripping from the ripe fruit was sweet and refreshing. (成熟水果上滴下来的汁液甜美而清爽。)

2. The chef used succus from freshly squeezed lemons to enhance the flavor of the dish. (厨师用新鲜挤出的柠檬汁来增强菜肴的味道。)

3. He applied a succus of herbs to the wound to promote healing. (他在伤口上涂抹了草药汁液以促进愈合。)

4. The succus of the plant is believed to have medicinal properties. (据信,该植物的汁液具有药用性质。)

5. She drank the succus of berries for its purported health benefits. (她喝下浆果的汁液,据称有益健康。)

6. The succus collected from the beehive was thick with honey. (从蜂巢中收集的汁液里含有大量的蜂蜜。)

7. The succus of the aloe vera plant is commonly used in skincare products. (芦荟植物的汁液常用于皮肤护理产品中。)

8. Farmers harvest succus from sugar cane for processing into sugar. (农民收获甘蔗的汁液以加工成糖。)

9. The succus of this plant is poisonous if ingested. (这种植物的汁液如果误食会有毒。)

10. The succus of grapes is the base ingredient in winemaking. (葡萄的汁液是酿酒的基础成分。)

11. Herbalists often recommend succus as a natural remedy for various ailments. (草药师经常推荐汁液作为各种疾病的自然疗法。)

12. He squeezed the succus from the flowers to make perfume. (他从花朵中挤出汁液制作香水。)

13. The succus was extracted carefully to preserve its freshness and flavor. (汁液被小心地提取出来以保持其新鲜和味道。)

14. The succus of the coconut is a nutritious drink enjoyed in tropical regions. (椰子的汁液是热带地区喜爱的营养饮料。)

15. They used succus from the bark of the tree for its healing properties. (他们用树皮的汁液因其愈合特性。)


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