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时间: 2024-09-20 06:07:05


当然,请看以下关于 "succulent" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The succulent leaves of the aloe plant store water for dry periods. (芦荟植物多肉的叶子能储存水分以应对干旱期。)

2. The chef prepared a succulent roast chicken that was juicy and flavorful. (厨师准备了一只多汁美味的烤鸡。)

3. She loves growing succulent plants because they require little water and care. (她喜欢种植多肉植物,因为它们需要很少的水和护理。)

4. After the rain, the succulent fruits of the cactus were plump and ripe. (雨后,仙人掌多肉的果实又饱满又成熟。)

5. The steak was cooked to perfection, tender and succulent. (牛排做得完美,又嫩又多汁。)

6. We enjoyed a succulent seafood feast at the seaside restaurant. (我们在海边餐馆享受了一顿鲜美的海鲜大餐。)

7. She bought a variety of succulent plants to decorate her balcony garden. (她买了各种多肉植物来装饰她的阳台花园。)

8. The succulent lamb stew simmered slowly on the stove. (多汁的羊肉炖菜在炉子上慢慢炖煮。)

9. Their restaurant is famous for its succulent barbecued ribs. (他们的餐馆以多汁的烤肋骨而闻名。)

10. The succulent fragrance of the tropical flowers filled the air. (热带花卉散发出的多汁芳香弥漫在空气中。)

11. She found a succulent piece of gossip and couldn't wait to share it. (她找到了一条多汁的八卦,迫不及待地想分享。)

12. The ripe strawberries were succulent and sweet. (成熟的草莓又多汁又甜。)

13. The succulent oysters were served with a tangy mignonette sauce. (多汁的牡蛎配上了一种带有刺激性的葱黄酱。)

14. The succulent green grapes were a refreshing snack on a hot day. (多汁的绿葡萄是炎热天气中令人神清气爽的小吃。)

15. The succulent details of the painting made it come alive. (画作中丰富的细节使其栩栩如生。)

希望这些例句能帮助你更好地理解和使用 "succulent" 这个词汇!

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