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时间: 2024-09-21 07:36:42


Certainly! "Dependability" refers to the quality of being trustworthy and reliable. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His dependability at work earned him a promotion.

- 他在工作中的可靠性使他得到了晋升。

2. The team leader's dependability ensured the project was completed on time.

- 队长的可靠性确保了项目按时完成。

3. We value her dependability in meeting deadlines consistently.

- 我们重视她在保持截止日期方面的可靠性。

4. The company's success is built on the dependability of its products.

- 公司的成功建立在其产品的可靠性基础上。

5. She is known for her dependability in difficult situations.

- 她因在困难情况下的可靠性而闻名。

6. The car's dependability makes it a popular choice among consumers.

- 这款车的可靠性使其成为消费者的热门选择。

7. His dependability as a friend makes him someone you can always count on.

- 他作为朋友的可靠性使他成为你始终可以依靠的人。

8. The dependability of the internet connection is crucial for our business.

- 互联网连接的可靠性对我们的业务至关重要。

9. We appreciate your dependability in handling customer complaints.

- 我们感谢您在处理客户投诉方面的可靠性。

10. Her dependability in managing finances has kept the company stable.

- 她在财务管理方面的可靠性使公司保持稳定。

11. The athlete's dependability in performance has impressed the coach.

- 运动员在比赛中的可靠性给教练留下了深刻印象。

12. The team captain's dependability inspires confidence in the players.

- 队长的可靠性激发了队员们的信心。

13. The dependability of the weather forecast helped us plan our trip.

- 天气预报的可靠性帮助我们规划了旅行。

14. His dependability as a volunteer has made a significant impact on the community.

- 他作为志愿者的可靠性对社区产生了重大影响。

15. The teacher's dependability in providing guidance has benefited many students.

- 教师在提供指导方面的可靠性使许多学生受益。


上一个 【英语】adaptability的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】variability的例句




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