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时间: 2024-09-21 04:03:06


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "variability" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The variability in weather patterns makes planning outdoor events challenging. (天气模式的多变性使得户外活动的计划具有挑战性。)

2. Genetic variability is crucial for species' adaptation to changing environments. (遗传变异对物种适应变化的环境至关重要。)

3. The variability in stock prices can lead to significant financial gains or losses. (股价的波动性可能导致重大的财务收益或损失。)

4. The study measured the variability of heart rate during exercise. (该研究测量了运动期间心率的变异性。)

5. The variability of student performance on tests highlights the need for personalized teaching methods. (学生在考试中表现的多变性突显了个性化教学方法的需求。)

6. Economic forecasts must account for the variability in consumer spending habits. (经济预测必须考虑消费者支出习惯的多变性。)

7. Climate models predict increased variability in rainfall patterns due to global warming. (气候模型预测由于全球变暖,降雨模式的变异性将增加。)

8. The project team encountered unexpected variability in raw material costs. (项目团队遇到了原材料成本方面意外的变动。)

9. Variability in the availability of skilled workers affects production schedules. (熟练工人供应的多变性影响生产计划。)

10. The research highlighted the variability in responses to different medications among patients. (研究突显了患者对不同药物反应的多变性。)

11. Crop yields are influenced by the variability in weather conditions during the growing season. (作物产量受到生长季节天气条件的多变性影响。)

12. The variability in traffic flow can cause delays during rush hour. (交通流量的变化可能导致高峰时段的延误。)

13. Variability in teaching styles can cater to different learning preferences among students. (教学风格的多变性可以满足学生不同的学习偏好。)

14. The study analyzed the variability of opinion polls leading up to the election. (该研究分析了选举前民意调查的多变性。)

15. Variability in energy prices affects consumer spending across various sectors. (能源价格的波动影响各个行业的消费者支出。)


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