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时间: 2024-09-19 11:36:56



1. Her visage betrayed her true emotions. (她的面容显露出她真正的情感。)

2. He wore a grim visage as he delivered the bad news. (他在传递坏消息时面容严峻。)

3. The visage of the old building was hauntingly beautiful. (那座老建筑的面貌令人难忘地美丽。)

4. The actor's visage lit up with joy upon winning the award. (演员在获奖时面容洋溢着喜悦。)

5. The visage of the mountain range was breathtaking at sunrise. (日出时山脉的面貌令人惊叹。)

6. The ghostly visage appeared at the window. (幽灵般的面容出现在窗户边。)

7. Despite her age, her visage showed little sign of wrinkles. (尽管年纪已高,她的面容几乎没有皱纹的痕迹。)

8. His stern visage softened when he saw his grandchildren. (当他看到孙子时,他严肃的面容变得柔和起来。)

9. The visage of poverty was evident in the slums. (贫困的面容在贫民窟中显而易见。)

10. The mask hid her true visage from the audience. (面具遮掩了她真实的面容,让观众看不见。)

11. The painting captured the haunting visage of the mysterious woman. (画作捕捉到了那位神秘女子令人难以忘怀的面容。)

12. His visage reflected a lifetime of hardship and determination. (他的面容反映出一生的艰辛和决心。)

13. The visage of the city changed dramatically over the centuries. (这座城市的面貌在几个世纪中发生了巨大变化。)

14. The sculptor carefully chiseled the visage of the leader into the marble. (雕塑家将领袖的面容精细地雕刻在大理石上。)

15. The visage of war haunted the nation for years. (战争的面容多年来困扰着这个国家。)


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