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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:23


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "lamentation" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The wailing and lamentation at the funeral touched everyone's hearts. (葬礼上的哀号和悲鸣感动了每个人的心。)

2. The poem is a lamentation for lost innocence and youthful dreams. (这首诗是对失去的纯真和青春梦想的悼词。)

3. Her songs were filled with lamentation for a love that had slipped away. (她的歌充满了对逝去爱情的悲叹。)

4. The book is a lamentation on the state of modern society. (这本书对现代社会状况的哀叹。)

5. The artist's paintings evoke a sense of lamentation for a vanishing way of life. (艺术家的画作唤起了对逐渐消失的生活方式的悲伤情感。)

6. The poet wrote a beautiful lamentation upon the death of his beloved cat. (诗人为他心爱的猫去世写了一首美丽的挽歌。)

7. The old woman's lamentation over the destruction of her home was heartbreaking. (老妇人对她家园被摧毁的哀叹令人心碎。)

8. Throughout history, there have been many lamentations for lost civilizations. (在历史上,有许多为失落文明而悲叹的例子。)

9. The play ended with a haunting lamentation by the main character. (剧终时,主角发出了一个令人难忘的哀号。)

10. The poem is a lamentation on the cruelty of war and its impact on families. (这首诗悼词战争的残酷及其对家庭的影响。)

11. The novel's final chapter is a lamentation on the passing of time and lost opportunities. (小说的最后一章是对时间流逝和失去机会的哀叹。)

12. The artist's sculpture is a powerful lamentation against environmental degradation. (艺术家的雕塑是对环境恶化的有力哀叹。)

13. The music was a beautiful lamentation that captured the essence of longing and loss. (这音乐是一个美丽的哀歌,捕捉了渴望和失落的本质。)

14. The film portrays the villagers' lamentation over the drought that devastated their crops. (电影描绘了村民对毁掉庄稼的干旱的哀叹。)

15. In literature, the lamentation often serves as a catharsis for the characters' grief and sorrow. (在文学中,哀叹经常作为人物悲伤和悲哀的宣泄。)


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