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时间: 2024-09-19 16:38:26


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "sedative" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The doctor prescribed a sedative to help the patient relax before the surgery. (医生开了镇静剂,帮助病人手术前放松。)

2. After a stressful day, she took a sedative to calm her nerves. (经过了一天的紧张,她服用了镇静剂来镇定自己的神经。)

3. The herbal tea had a mild sedative effect, promoting better sleep. (这种草药茶有轻微的镇静效果,有助于改善睡眠。)

4. The nurse administered a sedative to the agitated patient. (护士给那位焦躁不安的病人注射了镇静剂。)

5. Some people use chamomile as a natural sedative before bedtime. (有些人在睡前使用洋甘菊作为一种天然的镇静剂。)

6. Sedatives should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional. (镇静剂应在医疗专业人员的监督下使用。)

7. The calming music had a sedative effect on the anxious children. (那段安静的音乐对焦虑的孩子们有镇静作用。)

8. He avoided sedatives because he preferred natural methods to relax. (他避免使用镇静剂,因为他更喜欢自然的放松方法。)

9. The sedative properties of lavender are well-known in aromatherapy. (薰衣草在芳香疗法中的镇静特性是众所周知的。)

10. Doctors sometimes use sedatives to help patients endure uncomfortable medical procedures. (医生有时使用镇静剂帮助病人忍受不适的医疗程序。)

11. The sedative effects of alcohol can impair judgment and coordination. (酒精的镇静作用可能会损害判断力和协调能力。)

12. Sedatives can be addictive if not used properly. (如果使用不当,镇静剂可能会上瘾。)

13. The patient's agitation decreased after receiving a sedative injection. (病人注射了镇静剂后,焦躁情绪减轻了。)

14. She prefers natural remedies like meditation over pharmaceutical sedatives. (她更喜欢像冥想这样的自然疗法,而不是药物镇静剂。)

15. The sedative effects of the medication helped him sleep through the night. (药物的镇静作用帮助他整夜安睡。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "sedative"!

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