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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:11



1. The examinee was nervous before the big exam.

- 考生在大考前感到紧张。

2. Each examinee was given a different set of questions.

- 每位考生都被分配了一套不同的题目。

3. The examinee must provide valid identification before entering the testing room.

- 考生必须在进入考场前提供有效身份证明。

4. The teacher reviewed the examinee's test results.

- 教师审查了考生的考试成绩。

5. To ensure fairness, the examinee's name was kept confidential during grading.

- 为确保公平,考生的姓名在评分时被保密。

6. The examinee answered all the questions within the allotted time.

- 考生在规定时间内回答了所有问题。

7. An examinee who misses an exam must provide a valid excuse.

- 缺考的考生必须提供有效的理由。

8. The examinee was required to write an essay as part of the test.

- 考生需要在考试中写一篇作文。

9. Each examinee was given a number to keep their identities anonymous.

- 每位考生都被分配了一个编号,以保持身份匿名。

10. The examinee’s performance was evaluated based on various criteria.

- 考生的表现是根据不同的标准来评估的。

11. The examinee was allowed to use a calculator for the math portion of the test.

- 考生在考试的数学部分被允许使用计算器。

12. The results for each examinee were entered into the database for record-keeping.

- 每位考生的成绩被录入数据库以备记录。

13. The examinee's handwriting was clear and legible.

- 考生的字迹清晰可读。

14. An examinee may request a review of their test if they believe there was an error.

- 如果考生认为考试中有错误,他们可以请求复查。

15. The proctor ensured that each examinee followed the exam rules.

- 监考员确保每位考生遵守考试规则。

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