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时间: 2024-09-19 17:12:12


Certainly! "Stridency" refers to the quality or state of being loud, harsh, grating, or discordant. Here are 15 sentences illustrating its usage:

1. The stridency of the alarm startled everyone awake.

- 警报的尖锐声把每个人都吓醒了。

2. His speech was marked by a stridency that made it difficult to listen to.

- 他的演讲声音尖锐刺耳,令人难以听下去。

3. The stridency of her complaints echoed through the office.

- 她抱怨的尖锐声在办公室里回荡。

4. The stridency of the wind outside made it hard to hear each other speak.

- 外面风声呼啸,我们很难听见彼此说话。

5. He spoke with such stridency that his words seemed to pierce the air.

- 他说话的声音如此尖锐,几乎刺破了空气。

6. The stridency of the violin solo captivated the audience.

- 小提琴独奏的尖锐声吸引了观众的注意。

7. The stridency of the industrial machinery drowned out all other sounds.

- 工业机械的尖锐声盖过了其他一切声音。

8. Her stridency in defending her position sometimes alienated her colleagues.

- 她为自己的立场辩护时的尖锐态度有时会疏远她的同事。

9. The stridency of the car horns in rush hour added to the chaos of the city streets.

- 高峰时段汽车喇叭的尖锐声增加了城市街道上的混乱。

10. The stridency of the student protests could be heard from blocks away.

- 学生抗议的尖锐声在几个街区外都能听见。

11. The stridency of her laughter filled the room with joy.

- 她尖锐的笑声充满了整个房间的欢乐。

12. Despite the stridency of his arguments, he failed to convince the jury.

- 尽管他的论点声音尖锐,他未能说服陪审团。

13. The stridency of the political debate reflected deep divisions within the country.

- 政治辩论的尖锐声反映了国家内部的深刻分歧。

14. The stridency of the metal band's music appealed to their hardcore fans.

- 金属乐队音乐的尖锐声吸引了他们的忠实粉丝。

15. His article was criticized for its stridency and lack of nuance.

- 他的文章因其尖锐和缺乏细腻而受到批评。


上一个 【英语】latency的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】complacency的例句




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