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时间: 2024-09-19 11:48:17


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "consequential" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The decision had far-reaching and consequential effects on the company's future. (这个决定对公司未来产生了深远和重大的影响。)

2. Her consequential actions reshaped the political landscape of the country. (她的重要行动重塑了这个国家的政治格局。)

3. The scientist's discovery was highly consequential for medical research. (科学家的发现对医学研究具有重大意义。)

4. We need to consider the consequential impact of climate change on global food security. (我们需要考虑气候变化对全球粮食安全的重要影响。)

5. His consequential speech influenced public opinion and policy decisions. (他的重要演讲影响了公众舆论和政策决策。)

6. The judge considered the consequential damages caused by the defendant's actions. (法官考虑了被告行为所造成的重大损害。)

7. The team's victory in the championship game was consequential for their reputation. (球队在冠军赛中的胜利对他们的声誉至关重要。)

8. The election results will have consequential implications for the country's future direction. (选举结果将对国家未来的发展方向产生重大影响。)

9. His resignation was a consequential moment in the company's history. (他的辞职是公司历史上的一个重要时刻。)

10. The new law had a consequential impact on how businesses operated in the region. (新法律对企业在该地区的运营方式产生了重大影响。)

11. The artist's latest work is considered quite consequential in contemporary art circles. (这位艺术家的最新作品在当代艺术界被认为具有重要意义。)

12. The CEO's resignation was a consequential event that shocked the entire industry. (CEO的辞职是一个重要事件,震惊了整个行业。)

13. The discovery of a new species could have consequential implications for biodiversity conservation. (发现新物种可能对生物多样性保护产生重大影响。)

14. The team's failure to qualify for the tournament had consequential financial repercussions. (球队未能进入锦标赛对财务产生了重大影响。)

15. The peace treaty marked a consequential turning point in the region's history. (和平条约标志着该地区历史上的一个重要转折点。)


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