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时间: 2024-09-20 06:40:06



1. The library uses a sophisticated classification system to organize its books. (图书馆采用先进的分类系统来组织书籍。)

2. Biologists study the classification of species to understand evolutionary relationships. (生物学家研究物种的分类以了解进化关系。)

3. The classification of hurricanes helps meteorologists predict their behavior. (对飓风的分类有助于气象学家预测它们的行为。)

4. In computer science, data classification is crucial for organizing information efficiently. (在计算机科学中,数据分类对于高效组织信息至关重要。)

5. The classification of galaxies into spiral, elliptical, and irregular shapes helps astronomers study the universe. (将星系分为螺旋形、椭圆形和不规则形状有助于天文学家研究宇宙。)

6. The Dewey Decimal System is a widely used classification scheme in libraries. (杜威十进制分类法是图书馆中广泛使用的分类方案。)

7. Machine learning algorithms can automate the process of classification based on data patterns. (机器学习算法可以根据数据模式自动化分类过程。)

8. Classification of diseases is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment in medicine. (疾病分类对医学中准确诊断和治疗至关重要。)

9. The classification of soils is based on their composition and properties. (土壤的分类基于其组成和特性。)

10. Taxonomists study the classification of organisms to understand biodiversity. (分类学家研究生物的分类以了解生物多样性。)

11. Automated email classification helps users manage their inboxes more efficiently. (自动电子邮件分类帮助用户更高效地管理收件箱。)

12. The classification of films into genres helps viewers choose movies based on their preferences. (将电影分为不同的类型有助于观众根据自己的喜好选择电影。)

13. The classification of chemicals is important for safety and regulatory purposes. (化学品的分类对于安全和监管目的至关重要。)

14. Ecologists use the classification of ecosystems to study environmental interactions. (生态学家使用生态系统的分类研究环境相互作用。)

15. Classification of expenses helps businesses analyze their financial performance. (支出的分类帮助企业分析其财务表现。)


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