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时间: 2024-09-20 07:21:24


Certainly! "Faddish" means something that is currently trendy or fashionable but may not last long. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese translations:

1. Her wardrobe is full of faddish clothes that are popular this season. (她的衣柜里塞满了这个季节流行的时髦服装。)

2. Many restaurants cater to faddish diets, offering gluten-free and vegan options. (许多餐馆迎合时髦的饮食习惯,提供无麸质和素食选择。)

3. He changes his hairstyle often, always following the latest faddish trends. (他经常改变发型,总是追随最新的时髦潮流。)

4. The magazine focuses on faddish topics that capture the interest of young readers. (该杂志专注于引起年轻读者兴趣的时髦话题。)

5. The tech industry is known for its faddish adoption of new technologies. (科技行业以对新技术的时髦采纳而闻名。)

6. Her taste in music is quite faddish; she listens to whatever is currently popular. (她的音乐品味相当时髦;她听目前流行的任何东西。)

7. The restaurant's decor was trendy and faddish, reflecting the latest design aesthetics. (餐厅的装饰时尚而时髦,反映了最新的设计美学。)

8. His speeches are filled with faddish jargon that appeals to his audience. (他的演讲充满了吸引听众的时髦行话。)

9. She enjoys experimenting with faddish makeup techniques she learns online. (她喜欢尝试她在网上学到的时髦化妆技巧。)

10. The company's marketing strategy is heavily influenced by faddish consumer behavior. (该公司的营销策略受到时髦消费者行为的重大影响。)

11. The novel became a bestseller due to its exploration of faddish themes. (这部小说因探索时髦主题而成为畅销书。)

12. Their product design is innovative yet prone to faddish trends in aesthetics. (他们的产品设计创新,但容易受美学时髦趋势的影响。)

13. The art exhibition featured several faddish installations that caught visitors' attention. (艺术展览展出了几个引起游客注意的时髦装置。)

14. His blog covers a range of faddish topics from fashion to lifestyle trends. (他的博客涵盖了从时尚到生活方式潮流的各种时髦话题。)

15. The startup launched a faddish app that quickly gained millions of users. (这家初创公司推出了一个迅速吸引了数百万用户的时髦应用。)


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