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时间: 2024-09-20 10:27:45



1. The puzzle had a fiendish complexity that stumped even the most experienced solvers. (这个谜题有着极其复杂的设计,即使是最有经验的解谜者也被难住了。)

2. She devised a fiendish plan to embarrass her rival at the upcoming debate. (她设计了一个恶毒的计划,想要在即将举行的辩论中让她的对手出丑。)

3. The villain's fiendish laugh echoed through the empty hallways. (恶棍的邪恶笑声在空荡的走廊中回荡。)

4. Solving this fiendish equation requires advanced mathematical knowledge. (解决这个极为复杂的方程需要高深的数学知识。)

5. The maze was designed with fiendish cunning, making it nearly impossible to navigate. (这个迷宫设计得十分狡猾,几乎无法找到出口。)

6. His fiendish delight in causing others pain was disturbing. (他对于给别人造成痛苦的邪恶快感令人不安。)

7. The criminal mastermind executed a fiendish scheme to steal the priceless artifact. (罪犯头脑极其狡猾,执行了一个邪恶的计划,偷走了那件无价之宝。)

8. The fiendish cold of the Arctic made survival a daily struggle. (北极那令人发指的寒冷使得生存每一天都是一场挑战。)

9. The author's fiendish imagination brought to life a terrifying monster in her novel. (作家那狡诈的想象力在小说中栩栩如生地创造了一个可怕的怪物。)

10. Their escape plan was foiled by the fiendish traps laid by the guards. (他们的逃跑计划被守卫设置的阴险陷阱所挫败。)

11. The fiendish glee in his eyes was unsettling. (他眼中的那种邪恶的喜悦令人不安。)

12. The puzzle's fiendish intricacy required hours of dedicated effort to solve. (这个谜题的复杂程度需要数小时的专心努力才能解开。)

13. The criminal left behind a trail of fiendish clues to taunt the detectives. (罪犯留下一系列阴险的线索来戏弄侦探们。)

14. The fiendish storm ravaged the coastal town, leaving destruction in its wake. (那场凶猛的风暴摧毁了沿海小镇,带来了毁灭性的后果。)

15. With fiendish precision, she dismantled the bomb and saved countless lives. (她以精密的手法拆除了炸弹,拯救了无数条生命。)


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