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时间: 2024-09-18 15:28:16


Certainly! "Pavement" 在英语中可以指道路的铺设部分或者行人道。以下是一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. The workers were repairing the pavement in front of the store.

- 工人们正在修理商店前面的人行道。

2. She tripped and fell on the uneven pavement.

- 她在不平整的人行道上绊倒了。

3. The city council decided to widen the pavement to accommodate more pedestrians.

- 市议会决定扩宽人行道,以容纳更多行人。

4. They walked along the pavement, enjoying the cool evening breeze.

- 他们沿着人行道走着,享受着凉爽的傍晚微风。

5. The pavement was slippery after the rain, so they walked carefully.

- 雨后人行道很滑,所以他们小心翼翼地走着。

6. They painted new markings on the pavement to designate bicycle lanes.

- 他们在人行道上重新划线,标明自行车道。

7. The children drew hopscotch squares on the pavement with chalk.

- 孩子们用粉笔在人行道上画了跳房子的方块。

8. The pavement was hot under the midday sun.

- 中午的太阳下,人行道很烫。

9. They jogged along the pavement every morning as part of their exercise routine.

- 他们每天早晨沿着人行道慢跑,作为他们的锻炼常规的一部分。

10. There was a crack in the pavement where grass had started to grow.

- 人行道上有一个裂缝,草开始生长。

11. The pavement was covered with fallen leaves in autumn.

- 秋天,人行道上落满了树叶。

12. The pavement was crowded with tourists visiting the famous monument.

- 人行道上挤满了参观著名纪念碑的游客。

13. They sat on a bench by the pavement, watching people pass by.

- 他们坐在人行道旁的长椅上,看着人来人往。

14. He parked his bike by the pavement and went into the café.

- 他把自行车停在人行道边,然后进了咖啡馆。

15. They repaved the entire street, replacing the old pavement with smooth asphalt.

- 他们重新铺设了整条街道,用光滑的沥青替换了旧的人行道。


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