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时间: 2024-09-21 11:59:52


Certainly! "Impresario" refers to a person who organizes and often finances concerts, plays, or operas. Here are 15 example sentences along with Chinese explanations:

1. The impresario spared no expense in bringing the world's top musicians to the festival.

- 这位经理人在把世界顶级音乐家请到音乐节上花费不惜。

2. As an impresario, he was known for his ability to spot young talent and nurture their careers.

- 作为经理人,他以发掘年轻才华并培养他们的职业生涯而闻名。

3. The opera impresario ensured that every detail of the production was flawless.

- 歌剧经理人确保每一个制作细节都完美无缺。

4. She gained fame as an impresario who could fill stadiums with her blockbuster concerts.

- 她作为经理人因能在她的大型音乐会上把体育场挤满而闻名。

5. The theater impresario announced a new season lineup that included several groundbreaking productions.

- 戏剧经理宣布了一个新的季度演出阵容,包括几部开创性的作品。

6. Being an impresario requires not only business acumen but also a deep love for the arts.

- 做一名经理人不仅需要商业头脑,还需要对艺术的深厚热爱。

7. The young impresario managed to secure sponsorship for the entire tour.

- 年轻的经理人设法为整个巡演获得了赞助。

8. The impresario negotiated with the city council to secure a larger venue for the annual opera festival.

- 经理人与市议会谈判,为每年的歌剧节争取到一个更大的场地。

9. His reputation as an impresario was built on his ability to create unforgettable entertainment experiences.

- 他作为经理人的声誉建立在他创造难忘娱乐体验的能力之上。

10. The impresario's attention to detail ensured that every aspect of the production was of the highest quality.

- 经理人对细节的关注确保了每个制作环节都是最高质量的。

11. She started her career as an impresario by organizing small concerts in local venues.

- 她通过在当地场所组织小型音乐会开始了她的经理人生涯。

12. The impresario's connections in the industry helped launch many young artists' careers.

- 经理人在行业内的人脉帮助了许多年轻艺术家的事业起步。

13. The opera impresario was known for his ability to bring innovative productions to the stage.

- 歌剧经理以能把创新作品带到舞台上而闻名。

14. With his keen sense of audience preferences, the impresario curated a season that was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful.

- 凭借他对观众喜好的敏锐感知,经理人策划了一季节目,既在评论上获得好评又在商业上取得成功。

15. The impresario's charismatic leadership inspired his team to achieve excellence in every production.

- 经理人的领导魅力激励着他的团队在每一个制作中追求卓越。


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