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时间: 2024-09-21 10:02:48


Certainly! "Bravo" 是一个英文词汇,通常用来表示赞美或鼓励。以下是一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. Bravo! That was an excellent performance!

- 演得真棒!那场表演太精彩了!

2. She received a standing ovation and many cries of "Bravo!"

- 她得到了全场起立鼓掌和很多“演得好!”的喝彩声。

3. Bravo to all the volunteers who helped make this event possible.

- 感谢所有帮助使这次活动成为可能的志愿者们。

4. Bravo for standing up for what you believe in.

- 为捍卫你的信念而鼓掌。

5. The crowd shouted "Bravo!" as the final note echoed through the hall.

- 随着最后一个音符在大厅回响,人群纷纷喊着“好极了!”。

6. Bravo, my friend! You've really outdone yourself this time.

- 好样的,朋友!这次你真的做得很出色。

7. His performance was met with enthusiastic cries of "Bravo!" from the audience.

- 观众们热情地喊着“演得好!”来赞扬他的表演。

8. Bravo to the team for their hard work and dedication.

- 为团队的努力和奉献精神喝彩。

9. She was awarded the prize amid cries of "Bravo!" from her peers.

- 她在同行们的喝彩声中获得了奖项。

10. Bravo, everyone! We've finally completed the project.

- 大家好样的!我们终于完成了这个项目。

11. The chef's new dish received a unanimous "Bravo!" from the tasting panel.

- 厨师的新菜品在品鉴小组中获得了一致的赞扬。

12. The audience erupted into cries of "Bravo!" as the play concluded.

- 随着剧终,观众们爆发出“好极了!”的呼声。

13. Bravo on your graduation!

- 恭喜你毕业!

14. The conductor was cheered with shouts of "Bravo!" at the end of the symphony.

- 指挥在交响乐结束时受到了“好极了!”的欢呼声。

15. Bravo to the authors for their insightful research findings.

- 感谢作者们为我们带来的深刻研究发现。


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