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时间: 2024-09-19 17:18:37



1. A photon is the basic unit of light and other electromagnetic radiation. (光子是光和其他电磁辐射的基本单位。)

2. Photons are emitted when an electron changes energy levels in an atom. (当电子在原子中改变能级时会发射光子。)

3. Solar cells convert photons from sunlight into electricity. (太阳能电池将阳光中的光子转化为电能。)

4. In quantum mechanics, photons exhibit both particle and wave properties. (在量子力学中,光子表现出粒子和波的性质。)

5. The speed of light in a vacuum is determined by the speed at which photons travel. (真空中的光速是由光子传播的速度决定的。)

6. Lasers work by amplifying light through the emission of photons. (激光器通过发射光子来放大光线。)

7. Each photon carries a specific amount of energy depending on its wavelength. (每个光子携带的能量取决于它的波长。)

8. Quantum cryptography uses individual photons to transmit secure information. (量子密码学利用单个光子传输安全信息。)

9. Photons are massless particles that always travel at the speed of light. (光子是无质量粒子,总是以光速行进。)

10. The behavior of photons can be understood through the principles of quantum electrodynamics. (通过量子电动力学的原理可以理解光子的行为。)

11. Photon detectors are crucial for studying faint signals in astronomy. (光子探测器在天文学中研究微弱信号时至关重要。)

12. Bioluminescent organisms produce light through chemical reactions involving photons. (生物发光体通过涉及光子的化学反应产生光。)

13. Photonics is a field of science that explores the generation and manipulation of photons. (光子学是研究光子的产生和操控的科学领域。)

14. The interaction between photons and matter is fundamental to many areas of physics. (光子与物质的相互作用对物理学的许多领域至关重要。)

15. Quantum teleportation relies on entangled photons to transmit quantum states between particles. (量子传输依赖于纠缠的光子来在粒子之间传输量子状态。)


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