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时间: 2024-09-19 17:12:05


Certainly! "Airmanship" refers to the skills and knowledge necessary for operating an aircraft effectively and safely. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His airmanship was evident as he smoothly landed the plane during the storm.

- 他的飞行技术显而易见,他在风暴中平稳地着陆了飞机。

2. Good airmanship includes knowing how to handle emergency situations.

- 良好的飞行技术包括知道如何处理紧急情况。

3. The pilot demonstrated excellent airmanship by maneuvering the aircraft through turbulent weather.

- 飞行员通过在动荡的天气中操纵飞机展示了出色的飞行技术。

4. Airmanship involves not just flying skills but also decision-making under pressure.

- 飞行技术不仅涉及飞行技能,还包括在压力下做出决策。

5. She received awards for her exceptional airmanship and dedication to flight safety.

- 她因其出色的飞行技术和对飞行安全的奉献精神而获奖。

6. Training in airmanship prepares pilots for various scenarios they may encounter during flight.

- 飞行技术的培训使飞行员能够应对飞行中可能遇到的各种情况。

7. His airmanship saved the lives of all passengers when the plane experienced engine failure.

- 当飞机发生发动机故障时,他的飞行技术挽救了所有乘客的生命。

8. Airmanship encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical flying skills.

- 飞行技术包括理论知识和实际飞行技能两个方面。

9. Pilots undergo rigorous training to improve their airmanship throughout their careers.

- 飞行员在整个职业生涯中接受严格的训练,以提高他们的飞行技术。

10. Her years of experience contributed to her exceptional airmanship in adverse weather conditions.

- 她多年的经验在恶劣天气条件下展现了她出色的飞行技术。

11. The textbook covers all aspects of airmanship required for private pilots.

- 这本教科书涵盖了私人飞行员所需的所有飞行技术方面。

12. Airmanship involves constant situational awareness and adaptation to changing conditions.

- 飞行技术涉及持续的情况意识和对变化条件的适应能力。

13. The instructor emphasized the importance of airmanship in preventing accidents.

- 教练强调了飞行技术在预防事故中的重要性。

14. His thorough understanding of airmanship principles made him a respected mentor among aspiring pilots.

- 他对飞行技术原则的深刻理解使他成为有抱负的飞行员中受人尊敬的导师。

15. Airmanship begins with learning the basics of aircraft control and navigation.

- 飞行技术从学习飞机控制和导航的基础知识开始。


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