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时间: 2024-09-20 17:09:07


Certainly! "Flinty" is an adjective that typically describes someone's character as tough, unyielding, or stern. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. Her flinty gaze warned him not to argue further. (她那冷酷的眼神警告他不要再争论。)

2. The coach had a flinty determination that inspired the team. (教练有着坚定不移的决心,激励了整个队伍。)

3. Despite her flinty exterior, she had a kind heart. (尽管她外表冷酷,内心却善良。)

4. His flinty refusal to compromise cost him the deal. (他坚决不妥协的态度让他失去了那笔交易。)

5. The CEO's flinty demeanor intimidated even the senior executives. (CEO那冷峻的态度甚至吓到了高级主管们。)

6. The candidate's flinty resolve won over voters who admired his strength. (候选人坚定不移的决心赢得了那些敬佩他坚韧的选民。)

7. Her flinty responses to criticism showed her confidence in her decisions. (她对批评的冷酷回应表明她对自己决策的信心。)

8. The flinty landscape was devoid of any signs of life. (那片荒凉的地貌上毫无生命的迹象。)

9. He had a reputation for being flinty in negotiations, never backing down. (他在谈判中以坚定不移而出名,从不退缩。)

10. The novelist's writing style was flinty and uncompromising. (小说家的写作风格冷酷且毫不妥协。)

11. Despite her flinty demeanor, she was surprisingly generous to those in need. (尽管她冷酷的外表,对有需要的人却十分慷慨。)

12. His flinty eyes revealed nothing of his true feelings. (他冷酷的眼神没有透露出他真实的感受。)

13. The mountain range was known for its flinty peaks that were difficult to climb. (这个山脉以其陡峭难攀的峰顶而闻名。)

14. The teacher's flinty discipline made the students respect her. (老师严厉的纪律让学生们尊重她。)

15. His flinty determination to succeed carried him through many hardships. (他坚定不移的决心帮助他度过了许多艰难困苦。)


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