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时间: 2024-09-20 19:17:43


“Homey” 是一个形容词,用来描述某样东西或某个地方感觉舒适、温暖和像家的样子。以下是15个“homey”的例句及其中文解释:

1. The living room has a very homey feel to it.

- 这个客厅感觉非常温馨舒适。

2. I love staying at my friend’s house because it always feels so homey.

- 我喜欢住在朋友家,因为那里总是感觉很像家一样舒适。

3. They decorated their cabin in a very homey way with cozy blankets and warm colors.

- 他们用舒适的毯子和温暖的颜色把小屋装饰得非常温馨舒适。

4. Her homey kitchen is filled with family photos and handmade decorations.

- 她那温馨的厨房里摆满了家庭照片和手工制作的装饰品。

5. The café has a homey atmosphere that makes you want to stay for hours.

- 这家咖啡馆有一种让人想待上几个小时的温馨氛围。

6. He made the guest room feel more homey with soft lighting and comfortable pillows.

- 他用柔和的灯光和舒适的枕头让客房感觉更像家一样舒适。

7. The bed and breakfast has a homey charm that makes it a favorite among travelers.

- 这家民宿有一种温馨的魅力,使其成为旅行者的最爱。

8. The homey smell of fresh-baked cookies filled the kitchen.

- 新鲜烤制的饼干散发出的温馨气味充满了厨房。

9. Her homey apartment is decorated with vintage furniture and homemade crafts.

- 她那温馨的公寓里装饰着复古家具和自制的工艺品。

10. They wanted their new house to have a homey and welcoming atmosphere.

- 他们希望他们的新房子能有一种温馨和热情的氛围。

11. The bed-and-breakfast inn offers a homey stay for its guests.

- 这家民宿为客人提供了一个舒适如家的住宿体验。

12. He always tries to make his office a homey place where people feel relaxed.

- 他总是尽力把办公室打造成一个让人感到放松的温馨地方。

13. The decor in the cabin was simple but homey.

- 小屋里的装饰虽然简单,但却很温馨舒适。

14. Her homey demeanor makes everyone feel at ease.

- 她那温暖友好的举止让每个人都感到轻松自在。

15. I enjoy the homey atmosphere of this small town.

- 我喜欢这个小镇那种温馨如家的氛围。


上一个 【英语】flinty的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】woody的例句




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