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时间: 2024-09-20 20:58:55


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with the word "woody," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The hiking trail wound through a woody area filled with tall pine trees. (这条徒步小道穿过了一片长满高松树的林木地区。)

2. This perfume has a pleasant, woody scent that lingers throughout the day. (这种香水有一种愉悦的木质香味,能持续整天。)

3. Woody stems are characteristic of many shrubs and trees. (许多灌木和树木都有木质的茎。)

4. The artist chose a woody palette of browns and greens for his landscape painting. (艺术家选择了棕色和绿色的木质调色板来绘制他的风景画。)

5. After the rain, the air was filled with the refreshing smell of wet earth and woody plants. (雨后,空气中弥漫着潮湿的泥土和木质植物的清新气息。)

6. Woody Allen is known for his distinctive style of filmmaking. (伍迪·艾伦以其独特的电影制作风格而闻名。)

7. The wine had a subtle woody undertone from aging in oak barrels. (这款酒由于在橡木桶中陈酿而带有微妙的木质味。)

8. The chair was crafted from a beautiful woody material that resembled mahogany. (这把椅子是用一种类似红木的漂亮木质材料制作的。)

9. Birds chirped cheerfully in the woody grove as the sun began to set. (太阳开始落山时,鸟儿在林木茂密的小树林里欢快地啁啾。)

10. Woody vegetation provides essential habitat for various wildlife species. (林木植被为各种野生动物提供了重要的栖息地。)

11. The woody scent of the cigar filled the room, lingering long after it had been smoked. (雪茄的木质香味充满了房间,在抽完之后依然挥之不去。)

12. Woody fibers make up the structural support of many plants. (木质纤维构成了许多植物的结构支持。)

13. The cabin was nestled deep in a woody glen, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. (小屋深藏在一个林木葱茏的幽谷里,远离城市的喧嚣。)

14. Woody Guthrie was a folk singer known for his songs about social justice and equality. (伍迪·古瑟里是一位以其关于社会正义和平等的歌曲而著名的民谣歌手。)

15. The woody debris left by the storm was cleared away to restore the hiking trails. (风暴留下的木质碎片被清理干净,以恢复徒步小径。)


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