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时间: 2024-09-20 22:46:07



1. She nibbled on a dainty piece of cake at the tea party. (她在茶会上小口地吃着一块精致的蛋糕。)

2. The restaurant served dainty portions of gourmet cuisine. (这家餐厅供应精美的美食小份。)

3. She wore a dainty necklace with a delicate pendant. (她戴着一条带有精致吊坠的项链。)

4. The ballerina danced with dainty movements across the stage. (芭蕾舞者在舞台上舞动着轻盈的动作。)

5. The child picked up the dainty seashell and showed it to her mother. (孩子捡起了精美的贝壳,拿给她妈妈看。)

6. The tea set was adorned with dainty floral patterns. (茶具上装饰着精致的花卉图案。)

7. He offered her a dainty bouquet of roses. (他递给她一束精美的玫瑰花。)

8. The princess ate her meal with dainty manners befitting her royal status. (公主用适合她王室身份的精致礼仪吃饭。)

9. She served dainty sandwiches and pastries at the afternoon tea. (她在下午茶时供应了精美的三明治和糕点。)

10. The kittens played with a dainty ball of yarn. (小猫们玩耍着一个精致的毛线球。)

11. Her handwriting was small and dainty. (她的书法小巧玲珑。)

12. The boutique sold dainty lace gloves. (这家精品店出售精美的蕾丝手套。)

13. She decorated the table with dainty teacups and saucers. (她用精致的茶杯和茶碟装饰了桌子。)

14. The jewelry box held an array of dainty earrings. (珠宝盒里放着一排精美的耳环。)

15. The elderly lady wore a dainty brooch on her coat. (那位年长的女士在外套上戴着一个精致的胸针。)


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