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时间: 2024-09-21 02:49:22


1. She's my favorite shorty at the club - 她是我在俱乐部最喜欢的女孩。

2. He's hanging out with his shorty tonight - 今晚他和他的女朋友在一起。

3. My shorty always knows how to make me smile - 我的女朋友总是知道如何让我笑。

4. Don't mess with my shorty or you'll regret it - 别惹我的女朋友,否则你会后悔的。

5. He bought his shorty flowers for their anniversary - 他为了他们的纪念日买了他女朋友花。

6. She's not just his shorty; she's his best friend too - 她不仅是他的女朋友,也是他最好的朋友。

7. They've been each other's shorties since high school - 他们从高中时期就是彼此的恋人。

8. His shorty surprised him with tickets to the concert - 他女朋友用音乐会的门票给他一个惊喜。

9. She's more than just a shorty; she's his rock - 她不只是一个女朋友,她是他的支柱。

10. They're planning a romantic getaway for just the two of them - 他们正在计划一个浪漫的两人度假。

11. His shorty always knows how to lift his spirits - 他的女朋友总是知道如何让他振作起来。

12. She's the shorty he's been dreaming of since he was a kid - 她是他从小就梦寐以求的女孩。

13. They've been through thick and thin together - 他们一起经历了风风雨雨。

14. Her shorty supports her in everything she does - 她的男朋友在她做的每件事情上都支持她。

15. They're planning to move in together next year - 他们计划明年搬到一起。

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