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时间: 2024-09-21 05:11:14


"Oldy" 是一个非正式的英语词汇,通常用来形容老式的、过时的或者老旧的东西。以下是一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. That car is a real oldy, but it still runs perfectly.

- 那辆车真是老旧了,但它还跑得很好。

2. She collects oldies records from the 1960s and 1970s.

- 她收集上世纪六七十年代的老唱片。

3. The shop sells a lot of oldy-worldy furniture that's popular with collectors.

- 这家商店卖很多古董家具,受到收藏家的欢迎。

4. He's a bit of an oldy when it comes to technology – he still uses a flip phone.

- 他对技术有点守旧,还在用翻盖手机。

5. The movie they watched was an oldy but a goody.

- 他们看的电影虽然老旧但是经典。

6. She prefers oldy-style clothes like dresses with lace and frills.

- 她喜欢老式风格的衣服,比如有蕾丝和褶边的连衣裙。

7. This restaurant is known for its oldy charm and traditional dishes.

- 这家餐厅以它的古朴魅力和传统菜肴而闻名。

8. They visited an oldy pub that has been around since the 1800s.

- 他们去了一家1800年代就存在的老酒吧。

9. The bookshop specializes in oldy novels and rare first editions.

- 这家书店专门经营老式小说和稀有的首版书籍。

10. His taste in music tends to lean towards oldies like Elvis and The Beatles.

- 他在音乐品味上偏向于像埃尔维斯和披头士这样的老歌手。

11. The museum exhibits a collection of oldy artifacts from the Victorian era.

- 博物馆展出了维多利亚时代的一些古董文物。

12. The town has a nostalgic charm with its oldy architecture and cobblestone streets.

- 这个小镇以其古老的建筑和鹅卵石街道充满了怀旧的魅力。

13. She found an oldy teapot at the flea market that she now uses daily.

- 她在跳蚤市场上找到了一个老旧的茶壶,现在每天都在用。

14. The antique shop has a selection of oldy clocks and watches.

- 古董店有各种老式的钟表。

15. He restored an oldy bike from the 1950s to its original condition.

- 他把一辆来自1950年代的老旧自行车修复成了原来的样子。


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