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时间: 2024-09-19 17:34:59


1. I need to make a deposit of $500 into my savings account.


2. The landlord requested a security deposit before we could move in.


3. The river deposit was filled with beautiful stones and shells.


4. I made a deposit at the bank this morning.


5. The geologist found a large deposit of gold in the mountains.


6. I need to deposit these checks into my checking account.


7. The rain caused a deposit of mud on the road.


8. He made a deposit on the new car he wants to buy.


9. The deposit of minerals in the soil makes it fertile.


10. She placed a deposit on the dress she wants to buy for the prom.


11. The deposit of trash in the park was a result of irresponsible behavior.


12. I made a deposit of $200 into my son's college fund.


13. The deposit of snow on the mountain made it a popular skiing destination.


14. She made a deposit on the apartment she wants to rent.


15. The deposit of sediment in the riverbank changed the landscape.


16. I need to deposit this cash into the ATM.


17. The deposit of oil in the ground made the area valuable for drilling.


18. He made a deposit on the new computer he wants to buy.


19. The deposit of leaves in the yard needed to be cleaned up.


20. I made a deposit of $1000 into my retirement account.


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